Server plugins

You can install plugins on the server under the Admin (Image preferences) tab (see figure 3.7).

Image server_plugins
Figure 3.7: Installing and uninstalling server plugins.

Click the Browse button and locate the plugin .cpa file to install a plugin. To uninstall a plugin, simply click the button next to the plugin.

After installing or uninstalling a plugin, the Server must be restarted. A restart will cause any running or scheduled jobs to fail. Entering maintenance mode allows such jobs to run and complete, while restricting submission of new jobs. The Server can be restarted later, when no jobs will be affected. When installing or uninstalling a plugin without being in maintenance mode you will, before the plugin installation/uninstallation starts, be prompted to go into maintenance mode. Alternatively you can use the Status and management panel in the Admin tab to enter maintenance mode.

When submitted jobs have completed, you must restart the Server and any job nodes, wait for the Server to come online again and check the setup. You can use the check setup link found in the upper right corner of the browser window.

Read more about developing Server plugins at